ukIsS OpPA~~

ukIsS OpPA~~
MY FAvOuRiTe uKiSs oPPa (kiseop,kevin,dongho and alexander)

mUsIc - (doojon&doongwoon - when the door closes)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

my b2UtIeS FAmily!!~

Although i love U-KISS.. maybe i put them to one side first... but don't get me wrong.. i still love them and all~~.. let's talk about my other favourite k-pop boy group.. its's~~~ B2ST/BEAST!!!... YEAH~~..well at school me and my groups of friends are k-pop fanatic.. and our main boy group that we all love is  b2st... soo we decide to make a b2uties (b2st fans) family.. here they are~..


ME!~ AS HYUNSEUNG (too hensem!~)

Name: Jang Hyunseung
Birthday: September 3, 1989
Position: Lead Vocalist

SYASYA!~ AS YOSEOB (her cute look-alike couple)

Name:Yang Yoseob
Birthday: January 5, 1990
Position: Main Vocalist

EIRA!~ AS GI KWANG (The joker but shy couple)

Name: Lee Kikwang (sometimes mentioned as AJ)
Birthday: March 30, 1990
Position: Lead Vocalist

ADIBAH!~ AS DONGWOON (the fake maknae -adibah- and real maknae -dongwoon- couple)

Name: Son Dongwoon
Birthday: June 6, 1991
Position: Vocalist, Rapper

Friday, June 3, 2011

new KoReA GrOuP~

Theres a new k-pop boy band is on the block...introuducing..B1A4!!~~~
about B1A4: B1A4 is a five member korean boy band founded by WM ENTERTAINMENT in 2011..they debuted on the 23 april 2011
They were first introduced in a webtoon (animated cartoon) and for their unique sound mixing~
B1A4 stands for.. 'be the one, all for one'.. or their blood type.. the only member with blood type b is bora.. and the other 4 has blood type a.. here are their profiles:

  • Jinyoung - Leader, Lead Vocalist[6]
Real Name: Jung Jin Young (정진영)
Born in: 1991.11.18
Blood type: A
He is soo cute!!!~~.. i think he looks like lee joon from MBLAQ~
hehehe :))
  • CNU (신우) - Vocalist, Rapper
Real Name: Shin Dong Woo (신동우)
Born in: 1991.06.16
Blood type: A

    CNU is actually the most quiet and gentle one... from what i know~

    • Sandeul(산들) - Main Vocalist
    Real Name: Lee Jung Hwan (이정환)
    Born in: 1992.03.20
    Blood type: A

    sandeul is my favourite!!!~~.. he is the cutest and has a great voice..

    • Gongchan(공찬) - Vocalist, Maknae
    Real Name: Gong Chan Shik (공찬식)
    Born in: 1993.08.14
    Blood type: A
    he doesn't look like a maknae right??... but he is the most handsome out of all of them..
    • Baro(바로) - Main Rapper
    Real Name: Cha Sun Woo (차선우)
    Born in: 1992.09.05
    Blood type: B

    and baro the main rapper is the only one with bloof type B.. :))


    (mv- B1A4 ~ ok [full hd])


    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    DoNGhO MaNiAc!~~

    i'm a k-pop fan my self and i love u-kiss the most~~ and now second in line is B1A4.. i love u-kiss.. and espeacially there maknae (youngest member)..DONGHO OPPA..he is only 3 years older than me.. well lets get to know DONGHO!!~

    ull Name: Shin Dongho (신동호)
    Nick Names: He was called Ppang-Ho (Bread-ho) when he was a kid because he’s so chubby and Lively Maknae.
    Date of Birth: June 29, 1994, at China
    Age: 17 in Korean age, and 16 in Universal age. (Korean age add 1 year to their age, so when you’re just born, you were already 1 year old.)
    Height: 175 cm
    Weight: 65 kg
    Family Relation: Parents, older brother
    Religion: Christrian
    Blood Type: B
    Occupation(s): Singer, (High School) Student,actor
    Hobbies: Golf, knitting, listening to music, playing games on PC/PSP and reading books.
    Favorite Color: Pink
    Favourite character: Winnie the Pooh
    Favourite food: Meat


    ~video of dongho and members~



    outin WiF My bfF!

      Tday was!!~~~..I LOVE TODAY..TODAY IS WHAT MAKES ME NOT WANTING TO GO TO SCHOOL..but as soon as you get home u wish u were at school.. today me , einur, yaya, and ameera went outing togethere..let me just show you the photo's.. i cant describe the great fun!!..


    there is actually more.. but i'm too lazy to put some more~~.. we had a great time.. and now im tired!~~hahaha.. nite2

    chat wif me!~

    everyday.. when im online in the evening.. you are on.. but guess what..i don't go and chat wif you.. but actually i just wait until you chat wif me first~~ soo why don't you chat wif me.. but i'll sit and wait.. i just wait okeyh~~

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    my two family!~~

    this is my 4 bestest ultimate fren!!!!!~~.. THAT IS WHY I CAN CALL THEM FAMILY!
    I LOVE THEM....from my 1st family im the 1st sis .. and they are my little siblings..
    me - 1st sis (weird)
    aina - 2nd sis (blur)
    naj - 3rd sis (crazy)
    in order of month hehehehe
    for my 2nd family im the 2nd sis.... ehehhehhe.. wanna know why??.. welll
    adibah - 1st sis (d-beb) dibah
    me - 2nd sis (e-beb) e-fah
    fatin - 3rd sis (n-beb) nurul
    although this is in order of month... but actually we put it in order of mature... hehehe
    dibah only has the looks of a matured person... but her personality... way diffrent!
    me.. well im quite mature sometimes.. but if i lose it.. the world turns upside down.. hahahahaha
    then fatin....well her ppersonality is like the most matured out of us.. she is like a mother.. but he face is soooooooooooo CUTE!!!!~~~... we never listen to her anyways.. hehhehe

    1st family                                                                                                                  
    the cute  one - naj!~                                                                                     
    the fun one - me!~                                                                                       
    the one chasing boys - aina!~     

    2nd family
    the cute one - fatin!~
    the fun one - dibah!~
    the one chasing boys - me!~                                                             
    that is all i can say about my fab sisters.. !!~~

    einur!~ einur!~ einur~!

    this is my besttest facebookie fwen!!~~.. SHE IS NOT SINGLE , SORRY.
    she is soooo fun.. sooo cute... soooo caring!!~~
    she is like my sister because she trats me well alot... she take cares of me...
    einur syuhada syaifuza is her name... she is very busy...
    so we only seeen eachothere once... but she was cuter in real llife...
    that all i can say unfourtunatley because ti u all teroikat plk.. :))

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    hahaha~~SEaT TaKeN.. xp

    today our halfterm exams started~~.. it was pretty easy.. yeah!! alhamdullilah.. anyway.. when we first arivved at school we had to do our prayers first~~ after that we were told to go up to the exam hall..we had to sit in classes .. next to my class row was the second class (wira)... First adibah set next to me.. but she had to move because it was boys who had to sit there.. then i turned at the back to see who sits at the back.. then there was commosion with my ex and my mum told my ex to sit at the ex came to the sit next to me.. and i just look at him without any experissions.. he looked at me.. then he moved to the front the seat next to me was empty i asked adibah sit next to me, so she did~~.. i was laughing in my mind at the way how my ex was not sure were to seat when i looked at him.. i felt sorry for him..hahahaha. oh well at least he has one now.. but he still seated close to me.. lets try be friendly shall we??.. sorry my x!~~

    Friday, May 6, 2011

    i lIeD.. beCaUse i wAnT 2 STuDY!!~

    hye... im nervous because my halfterm exams are coming up.. and im sooo nervous!!~~ ... as you all know i actually lied about my feelings and said that i liked someone...but actually i lied because i wanted to study... people keep asking me if i really liked someone.. and asking who he is... people kee interfiering with my private life.. they also tease me for liking dot,dot,dot... aissshhh.. i couldn;t study... so yess i told everyone that i NO LONGER LIKE DOT,DOT,DOT....but actually i still do a little.. i told everyone that so i could study... so now im putting my head in those books.. and i hope i get 8A'S.. HWAITING!!!~~~ 

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    i dUnnO.. buT I NEvEr LikEd hiM

    i dunno wats wrong.. now i dont have the mood to make this post colour full .... from the start i did never had butterflies when i see him... he just made me smile.. i dunno why.. but.. i dont like him i guess..  =P

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    embarrassed~~ >_o

    IM SO,SO,SO,SO,SOOOOOO.. EMBARRASSED!!...Today i found out sumthin tht is makin me act like a fool infront of him!!!~~.. only today i just found out.. im ruined!!~~THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING EVER..that i feel soo far!~


    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    my t0p fwens!~

    t0p fwens.. top fwens... yeah2~~                                                                     GIRLS:

          best,best,best FWEN ever!
             she is fun.. talktive.. everything 

    1) IlaN..                                       
    poor ilan had probs..
    but he always get over it
    .. good fwen to hang wif

     2) najiah
     this the pwencess of the class..
     n fwens.. she soo                                                                  
    talkative and she is
       the one i share my secretes wif                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

    2) hazman~
    long time fwen..
    althiugh been two 
    years haven't keep 
    seen.. but we msj n cht..
    good fwen to talk wif..
                                                                          3) fatin!!
                                                                    she is the person who sits next                                                 
                                                                 to me in class.. she is the fwen 
                                                                  that soooo inoccent... i l0ve to    
                                                                   play wif her in class!!!  
    3) e-wan..
    well.. ewan is my class
    mate.. n i always help him
    .. even though i dont want 
    a pay bak.. but he always
    does.. n he always make me

    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    my fwens~~ 2 pes0na (class of 2011)

    -THe ToP LeFt (first row)-
    -aizuddin (muka silau) -Najiah (pretty pweincess) -syahmi (pkr pngkar) -yuliana (brainy) -imran (my bro)
    -sTaRtInG fRoM tHe lEfT (seCoND rOw)
    -quratul (the cry baby) -azim (the chubby) -aina ( -amirul (happy-go-lucky) -fatin (little adore)
    -FrOm ThE lEfT (ThiRd RoW)
    -amin (kepper of quite) -ain (blabber mouth) -izwan (everyones grandfather) -wardah (hurmm) -piyqul (smile)
    -yes ThE LEfT (forth row)
    -nadhirah (the cute&shy) -nik (godik) -me!!(random_you_laugh) -aiman (the cutey pie) -aimi (top in class)
    -fInAllY frOm THe LeFt tOo (fIfTh rOw)
    -ameera (the rebel)  -najmie (ewwwww =p) -mawar (loving everyone) -syafiq (ninja geek) -hannah (korea n.o1)  

    ~~~fwEns MiSSiNg~~~
    • syazmi ~~
    • wani~~
    • rahman~~
    • nazliana~~

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    songs bits (1)

    hye2~~ okei if i have nothing to write about.. i will put on song bits well just a part of the lyric.. soo i have somethin updated~~
    Auburn - all about him

    ~~'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him
         And he's all about me, me, me, me, me
         And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang
        About nobody-e-e-e

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    DiN As My bRo - ILAn aS my bEsTTeSt fReN EvR! (BRO) - nAj as mY fAv SiS

    Last night i had a fight with naj~~.. it happen when i was calling din names.. that was normal.. me and din always play fight~~ then naj just butet in and got angry at me for no reason... i got sooo mad and just left it there...then ilan had a few problems.. and soo i helped him out... we really had a good talk.. and it was fun... until i realised it was 2.30 in the morning..the my facebook chat.. aizuddin suddenly got angry at me.. and asked me why am i picking a fight with naj??.. i told him it was none of his buisness... and i asked ilan if he realised in the change of aizuddin's and naj's behaviors... he said yes as it was really and ilan really couldn't take there behaviours anymore.. which was putting gf or bf first.. and just put us frens aside... so me and ilan decided to talk to them using facebook's comment box...and din got mad... naj got fed up.. and me and ilan was furious!!!... we only wanted whats best for our friends... well now me and ilan are working on how to make the realise... but we didn't put that as our main problem.. we slept at 4 o'clock in the morning.. and just enjoyed our selves bofore goint to bed...i am really proud to have afriend like ilan!!!! syng ko sbgai kwn ilan <3 ~~ tnks k ilan.. i hope naj and din get a hold of thm selves!! 

     MY BRO !!! - Aizuddin !! :))
    MY SIS!!! - Najiah!! <(")
    MY BFF A.K.A BRO JGK!! - Imran!! >.<

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    BaHaSa mElAyU'S GroUp!!

    Today at school we were studying the novel 'ERTI SEBUAH PENGORBANAN'..... and the teacher asked us the synopsis on each chapter.. but no one could answere so the teacher decide to put us in groups... and this is my group~~

    LEADER:  ImRaN                           SECOND MEMBER: AmIn                                                                     

    THIRD MEMBER : wArDaH               FOURTH MEMBER: yUlLiAnA 

    FIFTH MEMBER: m3~~~

    i just hope.. that everything goes as plan!! and that amin and ilan won't be lazy!!... cayok my team!!!!

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhh!!! why am i jeles .. when theres nothing left in our relationship???!

    this song explains it all!!! 

    Boy, please say no no no no no

    A friend of mine asked me today
    If she could go out with you
    She told me before, she could cherish better than me
    Considering now that we’re through

    That (that that that that’s) okay
    Get get get get away
    It’s okay I guess,
    Since there’s nothing left from our relationship
    Stop apologizing, I’m not that hurt anyways
    Just please, be a better girlfriend to him

    I couldn’t tell her that I still have                    

    Sleepless nights because of you
    Although I’ll cheer my friend on
    And send her off with a forced smile,
    Oh Boy!

    Oh can’t you see, I’m still loving you
    My heart’s not ready to let you go yet

    Say no, no, no, no, no!
    Say no, no, no, no, no!
    Say you can’t, because
    Your heart is still waiting for me
    Say no!

    He can’t drink much,
    Hates the fume of cigarettes
    He also hates being alone, 
    So be with him always

    And also make sure you always, 
    Always remember his birthday
    I’m not sure why I told her all this

    Knowing that in the future
    I would be regretting this
    But still forcing myself to be cool

    Knowing that behind my friend’s back
    I would be upset and 
    Be begging him to stop
    Oh boy!

    Oh Can’t you see, 
    I’m still loving you
    My heart’s not yet ready to let you go

    Say no, no, no, no, no
    Say no, no, no, no, no
    Say you can’t because
    Your heart is still waiting for me

    (Say) No No No
    (Say) You can’t 
    (Say) Because you’re waiting for me to come back
    (Say) No No No
    (Say) You can’t
    (Say) Because you’re waiting for me to come back

    I couldn’t tell her that I still have
    Sleepless nights because of you
    Although I’ll cheer my friend on
    And send her off with a forced smile,
    Oh girl!

    Oh can’t you see, I’m still loving you
    My heart’s not ready to let you go yet

    Say no, no, no, no, no!
    Say no, no, no, no, no!
    Say you can’t, because
    Your heart is still waiting for me
    Say no!

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    FuNNy sT0rY~~

    Okei you know ADIBAH and AINA (not from the tuisyen).. right.. well let me tell you a story that got me laughing for the whole 3 hours i had left with them at school...
    The title for dibah's story is : GIRL SCREAM FOR TERROR CAUSED BY A KEY-CHAIN....
    And for aina's story: GIRL FREAKED WHILE CAMERA IS WET...
    okei lets go to dibah's story first,....
    • okei yesterday.. when we were on our way to go and do our prayers... me and fatin (as usual) waited for dibah to come out from her class....  when she did.. we walked on a few steps forward.. and she was behind us.. i turned around.. and she suddenly shouted from the top her breath... i looked closely and all that happened was.. her shirt got caught on a junior's key-chain... i laughed soo loud even louder than he scream... i was shocked how suddenly she just 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH'~~ when all that happened was a key-chain hook got a hold of her.. hahahahahahahahaha!!
    • Next is aina's story... well.. on december last year.. we had a leaving party... soo we all bought our camera's ... and it was a rainy day soo we decided to play in the rain.. when we were near all wet we decided to sit under a small roof... all of us walked along near the drain.. it wasn't smelly though.. aina spun her camera around her fingers suddenly.. yeah! it went in the clear water drain.. she just stud there with her mouth open.. will the others just screaming... after 3 miniutes with commotion fatin took the camera out from the drain.. and i wiped it.. aina was all over the place.. we all laughed.. at aina because she just stood there with her mouth open.. and not getting the camera... hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
    how i love our odd days at school.. well that all i can tell right now,...~~ kih3 till i got news for u... tatata! XD

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    My tUiSyEn GenG!!~~

    why is my tuisyen always soo fun~~ ???
    1) i understand what is being thought..
    2) the teacher is sooo great.. and funny..

    1a)(Up tHErE ^ YES THERE! ...
    that is thirah!~ very the pndai (brainy)

    3a)..(wearing the orange very bright selendang is SyFiQaH!! CUTE right?? SOO MUCH FUN!!)

    2a)..(on the left here... is aina...also brainy.. and very is a talk tive friend...XD)


    4a)....(this half malay half chineese gorgeous girl is called ..FaZRiNa!! sHe iS A SpOrT ChIcK..believe that!)

    5a)...(this guy likes power puff girls,,n.o1 fan!!!! hahahaha..joking.. we call him ZaId)
    7a)... (and this is the bully,the joker,thE type..sYeD HE IS)
      6a)...(She up there consider herself as the last 'gadis melayu'
    who could blame her.. shes rite.. look at her.. just beauty..
     we call her by the name FarZaNa...)

    9- AKIL..i think i spelt it right.. well jus gottrn to know him..not much to tell... unfourtunetly NO PHOTO.
    10- NAIM .. Same as akil.. they live near eachother...somewhere.. hahahaha... also NO PHOTO

    Time table for tuition every week
    monday - 8.00pm - 10pm
    friday - 8.00pm - 10pm
    saturday - 5.00pm - 7pm  

    CoMmEnT2~~ PLZ

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