ukIsS OpPA~~

ukIsS OpPA~~
MY FAvOuRiTe uKiSs oPPa (kiseop,kevin,dongho and alexander)

mUsIc - (doojon&doongwoon - when the door closes)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

FuNNy sT0rY~~

Okei you know ADIBAH and AINA (not from the tuisyen).. right.. well let me tell you a story that got me laughing for the whole 3 hours i had left with them at school...
The title for dibah's story is : GIRL SCREAM FOR TERROR CAUSED BY A KEY-CHAIN....
And for aina's story: GIRL FREAKED WHILE CAMERA IS WET...
okei lets go to dibah's story first,....
  • okei yesterday.. when we were on our way to go and do our prayers... me and fatin (as usual) waited for dibah to come out from her class....  when she did.. we walked on a few steps forward.. and she was behind us.. i turned around.. and she suddenly shouted from the top her breath... i looked closely and all that happened was.. her shirt got caught on a junior's key-chain... i laughed soo loud even louder than he scream... i was shocked how suddenly she just 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH'~~ when all that happened was a key-chain hook got a hold of her.. hahahahahahahahaha!!
  • Next is aina's story... well.. on december last year.. we had a leaving party... soo we all bought our camera's ... and it was a rainy day soo we decided to play in the rain.. when we were near all wet we decided to sit under a small roof... all of us walked along near the drain.. it wasn't smelly though.. aina spun her camera around her fingers suddenly.. yeah! it went in the clear water drain.. she just stud there with her mouth open.. will the others just screaming... after 3 miniutes with commotion fatin took the camera out from the drain.. and i wiped it.. aina was all over the place.. we all laughed.. at aina because she just stood there with her mouth open.. and not getting the camera... hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
how i love our odd days at school.. well that all i can tell right now,...~~ kih3 till i got news for u... tatata! XD


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