1) IlaN..
poor ilan had probs..
but he always get over it
.. good fwen to hang wif
2) najiah this the pwencess of the class.. n fwens.. she soo talkative and she is the one i share my secretes wif |
2) hazman~
long time fwen..
althiugh been two
years haven't keep
seen.. but we msj n cht..
good fwen to talk wif..
3) fatin!!
she is the person who sits next
to me in class.. she is the fwen
she is the person who sits next
to me in class.. she is the fwen
that soooo inoccent... i l0ve to
play wif her in class!!!
3) e-wan..
well.. ewan is my class
mate.. n i always help him
.. even though i dont want
a pay bak.. but he always
does.. n he always make me
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