ukIsS OpPA~~

ukIsS OpPA~~
MY FAvOuRiTe uKiSs oPPa (kiseop,kevin,dongho and alexander)

mUsIc - (doojon&doongwoon - when the door closes)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I know now that water ballon shouldn't be close to a laptop!!!!!!!!

just great!!!!... my brother played water ballon wen i was out.. n he accidently through it at the laptop!!!.. now its gettting prepared!!!.. i haven't use the laptop in like 1 week now!!! just my luckk!!.. now im using my dad's laptop at his office!!!.... but can't help going to facebook and look at the first boy i like.. 'dak a'!!!!.....oh yeah on saturday i'm going to tell 'dak a' that i like him!!!.. can't wait!!!.. im going to tell him by sms!!.. cause too scared!!.. btw if he likes me bak im going to hav my 1st boyfren ever!!!!!!!!!!!... (i'm txting him now.. but we just talk abut normal stuff!!!)..... 

here are the lists of words that i'm going to send to him!!! pleze vote!!!
1....i dunno wat to say or how to say it!!!... so im just going to just say it...I REALLY LIKE YOU .. i liked u along time ago...n waiting for a chance to tell you.... hopew u reply!!!

2...i've fallen for you...i mean i like you!!!.. i just want to let it out!!!

3...i really like you... n that the truth!!.. n i want to tell u right now.. hope u reply!!... :)   


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