ukIsS OpPA~~

ukIsS OpPA~~
MY FAvOuRiTe uKiSs oPPa (kiseop,kevin,dongho and alexander)

mUsIc - (doojon&doongwoon - when the door closes)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

my two family!~~

this is my 4 bestest ultimate fren!!!!!~~.. THAT IS WHY I CAN CALL THEM FAMILY!
I LOVE THEM....from my 1st family im the 1st sis .. and they are my little siblings..
me - 1st sis (weird)
aina - 2nd sis (blur)
naj - 3rd sis (crazy)
in order of month hehehehe
for my 2nd family im the 2nd sis.... ehehhehhe.. wanna know why??.. welll
adibah - 1st sis (d-beb) dibah
me - 2nd sis (e-beb) e-fah
fatin - 3rd sis (n-beb) nurul
although this is in order of month... but actually we put it in order of mature... hehehe
dibah only has the looks of a matured person... but her personality... way diffrent!
me.. well im quite mature sometimes.. but if i lose it.. the world turns upside down.. hahahahaha
then fatin....well her ppersonality is like the most matured out of us.. she is like a mother.. but he face is soooooooooooo CUTE!!!!~~~... we never listen to her anyways.. hehhehe

1st family                                                                                                                  
the cute  one - naj!~                                                                                     
the fun one - me!~                                                                                       
the one chasing boys - aina!~     

2nd family
the cute one - fatin!~
the fun one - dibah!~
the one chasing boys - me!~                                                             
that is all i can say about my fab sisters.. !!~~

einur!~ einur!~ einur~!

this is my besttest facebookie fwen!!~~.. SHE IS NOT SINGLE , SORRY.
she is soooo fun.. sooo cute... soooo caring!!~~
she is like my sister because she trats me well alot... she take cares of me...
einur syuhada syaifuza is her name... she is very busy...
so we only seeen eachothere once... but she was cuter in real llife...
that all i can say unfourtunatley because ti u all teroikat plk.. :))

Monday, May 9, 2011

hahaha~~SEaT TaKeN.. xp

today our halfterm exams started~~.. it was pretty easy.. yeah!! alhamdullilah.. anyway.. when we first arivved at school we had to do our prayers first~~ after that we were told to go up to the exam hall..we had to sit in classes .. next to my class row was the second class (wira)... First adibah set next to me.. but she had to move because it was boys who had to sit there.. then i turned at the back to see who sits at the back.. then there was commosion with my ex and my mum told my ex to sit at the ex came to the sit next to me.. and i just look at him without any experissions.. he looked at me.. then he moved to the front the seat next to me was empty i asked adibah sit next to me, so she did~~.. i was laughing in my mind at the way how my ex was not sure were to seat when i looked at him.. i felt sorry for him..hahahaha. oh well at least he has one now.. but he still seated close to me.. lets try be friendly shall we??.. sorry my x!~~

Friday, May 6, 2011

i lIeD.. beCaUse i wAnT 2 STuDY!!~

hye... im nervous because my halfterm exams are coming up.. and im sooo nervous!!~~ ... as you all know i actually lied about my feelings and said that i liked someone...but actually i lied because i wanted to study... people keep asking me if i really liked someone.. and asking who he is... people kee interfiering with my private life.. they also tease me for liking dot,dot,dot... aissshhh.. i couldn;t study... so yess i told everyone that i NO LONGER LIKE DOT,DOT,DOT....but actually i still do a little.. i told everyone that so i could study... so now im putting my head in those books.. and i hope i get 8A'S.. HWAITING!!!~~~ 

Monday, May 2, 2011

i dUnnO.. buT I NEvEr LikEd hiM

i dunno wats wrong.. now i dont have the mood to make this post colour full .... from the start i did never had butterflies when i see him... he just made me smile.. i dunno why.. but.. i dont like him i guess..  =P

CoMmEnT2~~ PLZ

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