ukIsS OpPA~~

ukIsS OpPA~~
MY FAvOuRiTe uKiSs oPPa (kiseop,kevin,dongho and alexander)

mUsIc - (doojon&doongwoon - when the door closes)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

songs bits (1)

hye2~~ okei if i have nothing to write about.. i will put on song bits well just a part of the lyric.. soo i have somethin updated~~
Auburn - all about him

~~'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him
     And he's all about me, me, me, me, me
     And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang
    About nobody-e-e-e

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DiN As My bRo - ILAn aS my bEsTTeSt fReN EvR! (BRO) - nAj as mY fAv SiS

Last night i had a fight with naj~~.. it happen when i was calling din names.. that was normal.. me and din always play fight~~ then naj just butet in and got angry at me for no reason... i got sooo mad and just left it there...then ilan had a few problems.. and soo i helped him out... we really had a good talk.. and it was fun... until i realised it was 2.30 in the morning..the my facebook chat.. aizuddin suddenly got angry at me.. and asked me why am i picking a fight with naj??.. i told him it was none of his buisness... and i asked ilan if he realised in the change of aizuddin's and naj's behaviors... he said yes as it was really and ilan really couldn't take there behaviours anymore.. which was putting gf or bf first.. and just put us frens aside... so me and ilan decided to talk to them using facebook's comment box...and din got mad... naj got fed up.. and me and ilan was furious!!!... we only wanted whats best for our friends... well now me and ilan are working on how to make the realise... but we didn't put that as our main problem.. we slept at 4 o'clock in the morning.. and just enjoyed our selves bofore goint to bed...i am really proud to have afriend like ilan!!!! syng ko sbgai kwn ilan <3 ~~ tnks k ilan.. i hope naj and din get a hold of thm selves!! 

 MY BRO !!! - Aizuddin !! :))
MY SIS!!! - Najiah!! <(")
MY BFF A.K.A BRO JGK!! - Imran!! >.<

CoMmEnT2~~ PLZ

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